School Safe Environment Zone
Guidance for parents and carers walking with children to school.
The best way for children to learn about road safety is by practice and you are your childs best teacher. You can show them the right way by setting a good example. When walking with young children, keep between them and the traffic and hold their hands firmly. Never let your children run ahead of you. Teach children the Green Cross Code to help them understand and use it properly.
The Highway Code Rule 7 – The Green Cross Code
- First find a safe place to cross.
- Stop just before you get to the kerb.
- Look all around for traffic and listen.
- If traffic is coming, let it pass.
- When it is safe, go straight across the road – do not run.
Parents and carers are responsible for deciding at what age children can walk to school safely by themselves. Many children have difficulty in judging how fast vehicles are going or how far away they are. Educate them about why drivers are unable to stop their vehicles on the spot if they were to step out onto the road without looking and listening. Remind them to stay alert at all times for approaching vehicles and that they need to keep looking and listening for traffic whilst crossing even at safer crossing places.
‘Tales of the Road – A highway code for young road users’ is FREE to access, go to
The Highway Code is essential reading for all road users including pedestrians, it’s available online for free at
For further information regarding behavioural change initiatives, please visit the Council’s School Safe Environment Zone (SSEZ) web pages at
Park & Stride – If you live far away from your childs school and have to travel by car, please consider parking away from the school in a safe, legal and considerate manner and then walk the remaining part of the journey with your child.
Could you consider walking to school on some days? It’s healthier and much cheaper than going by car!