Uniform Information
School Uniform
We expect all our pupils to wear the correct uniform. We like to foster a feeling of community and identity and the uniform is a key part of that. It helps our children to feel part of a team and take pride in their appearance too.
School branded Sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, fleeces, rucksacks, and book bags with the school badge are available online from Price & Buckland using this link
It is vitally important that ALL school items listed below are clearly labelled with your child’s name. If you put an order through easy2name, our FOL (PTA) will earn 20% cashback of your entire order, just select our unique code at the checkout: FR-FRIENDS-98
Uniform Year R-6 – Lawn Primary & Nursery School
Compulsory Uniform Options
- Grey or black skirt, trousers, or shorts Green and white summer dress (warmer weather)
- White blouse, shirt, or polo shirt
- Green sweatshirt, fleece, or cardigan
- Black shoes (or sensible footwear in warm weather)
PE Kit:
- Your child will need to come dressed in their PE kit on the days they have PE.
- In the warmer weather children should wear a plain white t-shirt and shorts
- In colder weather tracksuit bottoms/tops are permitted.
- Children should wear trainers, suitable for PE.
- Children who forget kit will still be expected to participate in PE
- Swimming Kit- swimming costume (one piece, no bikinis), trunks (short and fitted), towel and swimming cap.
NOT permitted:
- Jewellery, except a watch &/or single stud plain earrings in either or both ears. If ears are pierced, children are responsible for these at all times. Earrings need to be removed for PE.
- No make-up or nail varnish.
- No extremes of hairstyles will be accepted including extremely short cuts, patterns cut into the hair & unnatural colours.
- Coloured sports clothing including football shirts for PE.
- Non-school uniform, apart from on agreed dates.