Booking and Payment
You can book your child's sessions via SCOPAY. Please note places are subject to availability, and are released on a termly basis.
If your child has not yet attended our wrap around care service, we will need to register you for this service before a booking can be made. Please contact:
We are currently taking booking up to Tuesday 22nd October 2024. All bookings need to be made at least 12 days in advance of the session needed.
We will notify all parents when bookings will open for the following term (November-December).
You will be asked to pay for your sessions when you make your booking on SCOPAY.
Please top-up your account on the payments section of SCOPAY for the relevant club.
Please let the office know if you are paying through Tax Free Childcare to enable you to book and then activate your payment through you T FC provider (pre-payment each term is required).
For Nursery children (3&4 year olds), unused funded hours can be used towards your child's wrap-around care, please contact for more information and confirmation on funding options.
For information on funding/Tax Free Childcare please visit
Please contact for more information, or to apply for our wrap around services.
Please note: costs quoted are subject to review. We will notify all members in advance of any changes to our charges. Bookings are subject to availability.
If you wish to cancel a session, this can be done via you SCOPAY account up to 12 days in advance. Any bookings cancelled within 12 days of the required session, will still be charged. Please contact to arrange the cancellation.
If you decide not to send your child to either club which you have booked, you will still be charged. We would kindly ask that you notify the office in advance.
If your child is not collected at the end of their booked session, then you will be charged an additional £5 for every 10 minutes.
We understand that on occasion you may need to book last minute, in this event please call the school office, who will check availability and make arrangements for the booking to be added to SCOPAY. Please do not send your child to our clubs without confirmation their place with the school.
All sessions will include a member of staff holding a relevant First Aid certificate and Food Hygiene Training. All staff are employed in accordance with the schools Safer Recruitment requirements.
We work hard to ensure that your child is happy and safe whilst attending our setting. Should you be concerned about any part of our service, please speak to a member of staff and we will resolve it as soon as possible. If you are still unhappy, please refer to the schools Complaints Policy.
We operate within the same policies as the school, which are all available to read on our school website.