Family Support
Each child is unique and brings to the family their own set of attributes and challenges. The family support team can offer practical advice and guidance when these challenges are making family life tricky. We work closely with the teachers and teaching support staff to ensure that the advice and support we are providing can be transferred to the classroom.We have a private room which provides a comfortable, non–judgemental environment for us to meet with families.
The Family Support team also have training in two recognised programmes, which can support families in achieving a calmer, happier family life.
Family Links
Family Links is a nurturing programme run over ten sessions to encourage parent and carers to enjoy bringing up children and get the best out of family life. On average 8 out of 10 parents who take part in the nurturing programme report significant improvements in their children’s behaviour and family life.
Jigsaw Families
The Jigsaw Families programme is an innovative programme supporting children and their care givers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to develop healthy, strong, lasting, and loving relationships.
At Lawn Primary and Nursery School we run Jigsaw Family sessions over a six week period. It is an informal and friendly session held here at the school. We provide a safe environment to explore challenges of being a parent and offer strategies to help meet family’s needs, thus providing a strong relationship between the family and school.
You and your child will both attend the programme, working in separate groups, coming together at certain points each week.