School Meals
To view the menus please click the logo above.
All school meals are ordered via SCOPAY, and need to be booked a minimum of 12 days in advance. The booking window closes on a rolling basis, and you will be sent a weekly reminder when a booking week is due to close.
When a booking window has closed, you will no longer be able to view to view meal choices. All menus are available on our school website
You will be asked to pay for your meals when you make your booking on SCOPAY, unless your child is entitled to universal infant free school meals (Reception, year 1 and year 2) or you receive pupil premium funding.
If you pay for school meals, please top-up your account before booking.
Pupil Premium & Free School Meals - Years Reception - Year 6
*Please note that this is different from Universal Free School Meals, which entitles all children in KS1 (Reception - Year 2) to free school meals.
What is Pupil Premium? Pupil Premium is extra money given to the school by the Government to support children. It is up to the school to decide how to spend this money and it may end up benefitting other children in the school as well. Ofsted check how we use this money.
Who does the school get funding for?
- Children who get Free School Meals based on their family income.
- Children who have had Free School Meals in the last 6 years.
- Children in care or who have been adopted.
- Children from service families.
Pupil Premium Free School Meals
If you are in receipt of any of the following benefits, click the button below to complete your application.
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseekers’ Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guaranteed element of state pension credit
- Child tax credit, provided that you are not also entitled to working tax credit and have an annual gross income of £16,190 or less
- Working Tax Credit 'run-on' - the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
Please help us to help your child/ren, apply if you think your child/ren could be eligible.
Once you have applied, the application will be reviewed by Swindon Borough Council and the School will be informed of the outcome.
Once your child has been allocated Pupil Premium and Free School Meals they will remain eligible until they finish the primary phase of their education.