2 Year Olds Information
The Two Year Old Room opened in January 2020. Situated next to our Bluebells Room it is a small and cosy space designed for care and education for up to 12 children.
The needs of our youngest children are cared for by a well-qualified and experienced team. The Room Leader is Mrs Blanks. Mrs Herring works alongside Mrs Blanks with additional support from staff within the Nursery.
The team focus upon helping the children to develop in the ‘Prime’ areas of development; Personal, Social and Emotional, Communication and Language and Physical Development. These three areas are seen as essential ‘building blocks’ for securing positive outcomes for young children in later life and into adulthood.
Children are welcome to join us after their second birthday, initially the children will attend a short settling in session and get to know the team before staying for a full session. Our morning sessions run from 8.50-11.50 and the afternoon sessions from 11.50-2.50, children can stay for both sessions. Children attending all day or for the afternoon will eat their packed lunch or school dinner in the security of their classroom.
A ratio of one adult to every four children allows us to provide for the needs of the children. Each child has a Key Person to oversee your child’s well-being, individual needs and progress.
In line with the requirements of the EYFS the team will carry out two year old progress checks for each child in their first term. We will invite parents or carers into Nursery to chat about the check.
The Two Year Old Room staff work closely with the the rest of Lawn Nursery to provide a happy transition as they progress through the Nursery providing a great start to your child’s early education.