Computing & Online safety
We live in a technologically-rich age and computers are now an integral part of our life. Working within the 2014 National Curriculum, ICT has become Computing with the emphasis now more on how computers and computer systems work, and how they are programmed.
Although there have been changes, Computing is still an exciting creative subject able to motivate and enthuse pupils. It can enhance other areas of the curriculum and allows pupils to work on a wide range of skills, from resilience and reasoning to creativity. In this rapidly evolving subject, we aim to give pupils the capability to utilise resources available to them in a considered and safe way.
Please click here to read our Computing policy.
Online Safety
At Lawn Primary and Nursery School we encourange all children to speak to a trusted adult if anything online makes them feel worried or uncomfortable and we use the phrase Zip it, Block it, Flag it to remember the steps for reporting.
All parents are encouraged to read through the acceptable use agreements with their children annually, copies can be found here.
We have shown our commitment to protecting our pupils online by working with National Online Safety- providing resources for all parents and carers. The resources include Parents & Carers courses (presented by Myleene Klass), online video resources and weekly guides covering a huge range of topics, including:
You can sign up by following this link and complete your details. When you’re set up, you’ll be able to set ‘Parent/Carer’ as your user type.