School Development Plan
School Development Plan 2024-2025
This is a summary of our School Development Plan. In order to write this
document, we seek feedback from pupils, parents and staff at the end of
each academic year. It focuses on key areas of improvement.
Quality of Education
• Pupils outcomes are at least in line with national average
• Improve provision and progress for disadvantaged and SEN groups
• Continue to prioritise Early Reading and phonics
• Continue to improve the quality and effectiveness of teaching so as to develop
children’s higher level reading skills
• Develop writing in school particularly the teaching of writing skills including editing and
redrafting, writing for a purpose and opportunities for writing across the curriculum
• Develop mathematical thinking through more frequent and carefully planned problem
solving opportunities
• The well-sequenced curriculum identifies what pupils must know and remember,
starting in the early years.
• To ensure that within EYFS quality interactions between staff and pupils support
progress and attainment.
• To review and implement an effective, rigorous and robust individualised assessment
• To refine current practices in place to support pupils with SEND, including those with
complex needs to ensure they are taught a full curriculum
Personal Development
• Ensure there are opportunities in the curriculum to address the personal development
of pupils especially through RSE, SMSC, assemblies, school council/leaders &
ambassadors and curriculum enhancements etc
• Continue to develop and embed meta cognition practices within the classroom and
curriculum to support pupils’ knowledge of their own resilience, regulation and SEMH
• To promote healthy eating through a weekly Tuck Shop run by Year 6s at Lawn.
• To extend the offer of extra-curricular provision, in order to build cultural capital, and
increase accessibility
• Raise the profile and improve provision of Forest School Curriculum at Lawn
Behaviour and Attitudes
• Pupils behave consistently well, demonstrating high levels of self-control and
consistently positive attitudes to their education
• Raise attendance, particularly persistent absenteeism
• Improve punctuality
• To support parental involvement with their child’s learning
• To continue to work with the pupils and parents on what constitutes bullying and
• To ensure our playtime spaces and activities are providing structure and engagement in
healthy play
• Continue to develop roles of School Council, Green Team & Year 6 Responsibilities in
raising profile of Lawn Expectations.
Leadership and Management
• Continue to reduce workload and improve wellbeing
• Distributed Leadership empowering leaders to be more effective developing the quality
of education
• To ensure robust monitoring of foundation subjects
• To fully embed the connected curriculum and to show the impact of the curriculum on
all our children.
• To embed a new Assessment System that enable teachers to track progress.
• To support staff with the ability to manage the demands of teaching pupils with complex
needs and/or SEND
• Ensure parents are active partners in their child’s learning and education.
• Maintain a balanced budget for 24/25 and future years