We are determined that every pupil at Lawn Primary and Nursery School will learn to read, regardless of their background, needs or abilities. We recognise that reading is fundamental to our pupil’s future success and is key to learning in all subjects. Therefore, we want all of our pupils to develop a love of reading to support their successes and future lives. We aim to develop in our children, the ability to have a lifelong enjoyment of books and reading. We build on the interests, personality and different levels of ability each child brings to school.
In EYFS and KS1, pupils read books matching the phonics sounds they are learning in school. These books will be taken from the Read Write Inc Reading Scheme. Pupils in EYFS and KS1, take home reading books as part of the scheme.
When pupils are fluent readers, they will bring home a variety of books which are colour banded. Within Y3, we use STAR Reading to ensure our pupils choose from books that match their reading ability. The scheme is used up to the end of Year 6.
Reading is taught and practised individually, in groups or as a whole class. Children are given access to a range of stimulating reading materials from their first days at school. Adults read regularly to the children in all year groups from a range of chosen authors and favourite books.
All children are expected to read regularly at home and the close partnership we have with you as parents is vital to the process of learning to read. We celebrate the children’s achievements in reading through our Century Challenge, where certificates are presented during our celebration assemblies to mark the number of reads at home - bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond and excellence. We have a School Library which is used to supplement reading materials in class and for pupils to borrow books to take home.
Click here to see our Reading Policy
Reading scrapbooks
Earlier this term, we launched our KS2 reading scrapbooks in which the children can choose to take it home and review a book they have read. These are some of the entries (from a few weeks ago) that we have had already from Y3-Y6 which they all received a certificate for. What a brilliant showcase of our LOVE for reading here at Lawn.
We have put a Little Lending Library in the foyer of our main school entrance. It has been put there for you to please take a book, leave a book or swap a book within our school community. The top shelf is for adult books and the middle and bottom shelves are for children's books.
We have been donated a lot of books recently, which we have been most grateful for however, not all have been suitable for use in school so have put some of them in here.
As you know, reading is so important to us here at Lawn and we hope you enjoy using this Lawn Primary Community Book Swap.
Happy Reading.
The Reading Team