At Lawn Primary and Nursery School, we believe the curriculum to be instrumental in ensuring that all children develop a love of learning and are equipped with the necessary tools for living a successful and fulfilling life. We believe all children should have the opportunity to access a curriculum that respects the uniqueness of themselves, their community and ensures equality for all learners. Through our curriculum, we aim to nurture a sense of inclusivity, respect and responsibility in all children.
We strive to provide a secure happy and active learning environment to enable our children to develop respect for themselves and others, and an appreciation of the wonder in the world around them. We believe that through positive praise and encouragement, children will become confident and resilient lifelong learners.
The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Primary National Curriculum 2014 forms the basis of our curriculum from Early Years through to Year 6. In addition, learning is supplemented through the use of our progression maps. These set out the sequence of knowledge and skills we want our children to learn at each stage of their education. We also make links, where possible, to real-life and to our local area.
We also offer a variety of extra-curricular clubs for all ages, as well as residential trips for Years 4 and 6.
We value the role of parents/carers in supporting the children’s learning and encourage support from home. Year group curriculum maps are displayed on the school website to enable children to share their learning with home. Regular open-ended home learning tasks are organised in each year group. There are also opportunities for parents and carers to participate in workshops throughout the year as well as attend open afternoons and performances.
Curriculum overview by year group can be found in the Year Group pages
For our Curriculum Policy & Teaching and Learning Policy please click here
To view the Department of Education's National Curriculum in England for Early years click here and for Key Stages 1 and 2 click here